Cultivating an Intimate Relationship with God - Apostle Guillermo Maldonado
“God works in times, seasons, and cycles; now is the cycle of the end time!” Apostle Guillermo Maldonado joins Pastor Jim and Lori today to talk about the current manifestation of God’s Glory and the subsequent endtimes shaking, endtime revival, endtime harvest, and endtime glory; followed by the coming of the Lord!” Apostle Maldonado says not only this, but the time is urgent! Pastor Jim talks with Apostle Maldonado about the vision he had in 2018 of great shakings coming, but in three phases. The Lord warned Apostle Maldonado about the perilous times we’re living in now, and also what is just ahead. The most important thing that you must do is know how to develop an intimate relationship with Jesus so you will be ready! Tune in today for this powerful and timely message from one of America’s foremost leaders of the faith!