Get Healthy for These Last Days! - Dr. Don and Mary Colbert
Dr. Don and Mary Colbert join Pastor Jim and Lori today to talk about the importance of getting healthy for what’s about to come upon the earth in these last days! Dr. Don reminds us that Paul said, “Do not be deceived…,” and says Americans are deceiving themselves by eating foods that are causing diseases in the body and believing that they will be fine. Dr. Don says that most diseases are diseases of choice - and the biggest culprit is sugar! He also shares with Pastor and Lori about other types of foods that damage the body and that people must use self-discipline and the authority of the believer to take control of their bodies and minds in order to manage their health properly. Knowing what you can do to be strong in the last days is key for survival! Tune in today and learn how you can make yourself ready!